Files Changes

Shows the number of file changes. Files can be added, modified or removed. Commits usually contains numerous file changes.

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datetime, repository, developer


The commits across all selected repositories.

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datetime, repository, developer

Commits over Time (repository breakdown)

This graph shows a count of commits in a given time-frame. Each color block represents a repository. 

Increase or decrease granularity using the +/- towards the graph origin.

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datetime, repository, developer

File Changes by Repository

Current totals of all file changes for all time.

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Commits by Repository

Current totals of all commits for all time.

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File Changes to Commits Ratio

A 100% stacked bar graph showing the proportion of file changes to commits. Sema recommends fewer than 10 file changes per commit

Increase or decrease granularity using the +/- towards the graph origin.

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Datetime, repository, developer

Average File Changes per Commit

The all time average of file changes per commit.

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show/hide repository

Number of Source Files - All Time

A count of files by filetype. Only filetypes associated with source code are displayed.

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repository, developer, show/hide filetype